gotta woke up superb early in da morning .__.
cause I'm going sista new shop grand opening later! :D
well, its her second shop of nutrition club (:
and she promised me a new gift once she got promoted
lubbbs her! <33
having buffet thr and da food taste good ;)
went The Curve with mummyyy after that
owh it had been a long time nvr shoppingggg man =(
finally bought twooo tops!!~
finally bought twooo tops!!~
went over YeeKay's hrs
and spent hours with herrr :D
well, watched Drag me to hell
its damn scaryyy and disgustinggg!
yuckssss! ;x
but luckily I didnt scream like hell :D
after that went to da playground opposite of Jo's hrs (;
wow her dog, superrrrb giant size!
and we showed our middle finger to it before we back ;P
we talk, laugh out loud
until da whole street can listen our voice i dhk? HAHAHA
and thanksss her for cooking me maggi + ham
& serve me orangeeeee juice
LOL although da ham looks disgusting & taste like dumpling skin
she said da umbrella looks lik japanese? ;x

ignore my face & just to show hw pro am I ;P
a snail :D
diff pose here LOL
mine & hersss!
had a superb fun day with muaiii hubbbyyy! ;P
**before i was thought that her hrs key doesnt welcome me
whn i reach her hrs she tried many times and cant open da gate lol
yeaaarh another outing with my girlss!
- Kay, Makkkk and Xuannn! <3
went The Curve and sing k @ RedBox (:
for me, i dhk i would prefer neway @ OU
althouogh da price more expensive than here lol
we damn high esp singing englishhh song :DD
ESP me & Kayyyy! ;P
we sing from 12 plus until 3pm
thn v just walk arnd and seek for FOOOOOD.!
thn v just walk arnd and seek for FOOOOOD.!
had our lunch at Mr Terpanyaki @ E Curve
quite cheapppp can say? ;D
finally my dreamm phone launched!
Sony Ericson Aino :DD
but it cost bout rm1999 @.@ *fainted*
Didnt go out with meh larh :(
ReplyDeleteaiyoo i want out with you larhhh
ReplyDeleteafter spm first! :P