just step in da skul in da morning thn rambut kena d! ><
ishh! Abg Joshuaaa`~~
tdy nothing special happened in skul :X
since ytd teacher scold us, evryone vry guai alr ;DD
sit still, listen 2 teacher & less talking! :)
Teehee.! 2dayy i superrb guai in class!
1st timee didn't talk & listen 2 teacher nia xD
(bt just da 1st & 2nd period!)
after tht no moreee.
evryone start talking & playing thrr i dhk?
eee! after recess, JiaJiaa pek dai me & go 4 her BoonBoon! :(
then Hui Ann come & sit beside me LOLs!
damn fei lahh both of us! ;)
haha don't knw why suddenly talk bout NERD! :DD
then we keep laughing thr alr!
mmg superrrb funny weh! :)
Geee! one of da NERD(s) is OKU LeeRonKitttttt! xD
ishh.! errm can sayy bukan NERD bt vryy ~~~ ehem**
his spec (gold color wan), pencil case, bottle, bag blablahh.
all darn "CUTE" wan :P
thn we just SS non stop thr LOL! :D
gonna study now! :X
p/s 2 more weeks Mid-term exam!
Gogogo! ;DD
just step in da skul in da morning thn rambut kena d! ><
ishh! Abg Joshuaaa`~~
tdy nothing special happened in skul :X
since ytd teacher scold us, evryone vry guai alr ;DD
sit still, listen 2 teacher & less talking! :)
Teehee.! 2dayy i superrb guai in class!
1st timee didn't talk & listen 2 teacher nia xD
(bt just da 1st & 2nd period!)
after tht no moreee.
evryone start talking & playing thrr i dhk?
eee! after recess, JiaJiaa pek dai me & go 4 her BoonBoon! :(
then Hui Ann come & sit beside me LOLs!
damn fei lahh both of us! ;)
haha don't knw why suddenly talk bout NERD! :DD
then we keep laughing thr alr!
mmg superrrb funny weh! :)
Geee! one of da NERD(s) is OKU LeeRonKitttttt! xD
ishh.! errm can sayy bukan NERD bt vryy ~~~ ehem**
his spec (gold color wan), pencil case, bottle, bag blablahh.
all darn "CUTE" wan :P
thn we just SS non stop thr LOL! :D
gonna study now! :X
p/s 2 more weeks Mid-term exam!
Gogogo! ;DD

lclyocmcy? xD
2mrw fridayy! :)
2mrw fridayy! :)