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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Eskyavie: Unlock Secrets to Youthful, Enriching Lives From Within

Thanks to the Butterfly Project, I was invited to Eskayvie product showcase last month at Pullman Hotel, Bangsar. To be honest, I never heard of the brand before so I guess it will be a great opportunity for me to know more about their beauty supplement range especially Redianze and i-Qids which will be showcasing during the event.

(picture credits to the Butterfly Project)

So the event kick start with Mr Wong's speech about Eskayvie, the company. Established on 2009, Eskayvie started off with their own research for beauty supplement and now they have received numerous accolades. Among them, they gained recognition from SME Corporation as a 3-star hotel where reckoned companies infancy can get this recognition. As a 3-star, SME Corporation has channeled their company to TERAJU that a government body established to guide and assist Bumiputera companies competitive to achieve a higher level and this made Eskayvie being the leader of health and beauty products in the domestic and international leading companies compete others.

The effective products of Eskayvie are formulated by their CEO, Dr. Syid Ayob Syid Mustafa Al-Qudri who has over 15 years of experience in alternative medicine research. We're so lucky to have him on board for product presentation. (it's more like a science lecture instead! :P)

Bringing the science of anti-ageing to the next level, Redianze's powerhouse combination of skin-beautifying and health rejuvenating ingredients promise to quench the thirst of ageing skin and offer a breakthrough solution to achieve optimal wellbeing, enabling the body to rejuvenate itself and stay free from degenerative diseases as well as other age related condition. Redianze offer advanced cellular nutrition that supplement the body with collagen builders, free radicals quencher, internal photo-protectors and bio-hydrators which are essential for age-defying process. The effects of ageing have always brought unwanted changes to our appearance and health while we cannot stop age clock from ticking, modern lifestyles and environmental pollution make us look and feel older than we are. Thus Redianze begins with a journey from within. By creating a solid foundation of beauty and health within our body, it will then be projected externally whereby nutrition is the key that goes beyond healthy eating.

It is best taken daily preferably one hour before or after meal for maximum absorption. One sachet per day would suffice. Each sachet contains the effective dose enough to live up to its age defying actions.

I-Qids is a cutting edge formula, combining well researched brain nutrients of Memofortex (Phospholipid concentrate) and Omegalinol (DHA and Alpha Linoleic Acid) along with the health supporting benefits of Co-isolate, Vitaral, Colostrum and Algalithe. I-Qids is a truly revolutionary formula, delivering DHA, ALA and PC in one synergistic drink.

A child's growth is more than just physical. Children grow, develop and learn throughout their lives, starting at birth. The early years of a child's life are very important for his health and development. Healthy development means that children of all abilities, including those with special healthcare needs, are able to grow up where their social, emotional and educational needs are met. Proper nutrition can make a big difference and i-Qids comprises of branded ingredients that provide all the nutrients children need on a daily basis.

Empty 1 sachet into glass filled with approximately 150ml of water (cold or at room temperature). Stir well and consume immediately. Take preferably before breakfast. For children ages 1 to 12 years old, take 1 sachet daily. For children above 12, take 2 sachets daily.

Photo opportunity with Dr Syid Ayob :)

After the product presentation, we also given the sample drinks for testing. I-Qids is a chocolate flavour drink while Redianze taste like peach. According to Eskayvie, you will see visible results after 6 days of consuming Redianze, 30 days for a friend's praise and 90 days for believing your mirror. Now are you curious of this product too? Get yours at for RM160 while RM59 for i-Qids.

For more information, please visit


  1. Such a great event, but there is not available on my country hehe


  2. I live in KL as well! It's fun to see events that are happening around here. Great recommendation. Gig love :)

  3. Such an amazing event. :) The products sound amazing.

    Gig Love,
    Siew Hui

  4. This is my first time visiting your blog ^^
    Love your hair color! <3
    Anw I don't like chocolate flavor xD
    Nice post! ^^
    Following you on GFC, my to followback? ^^
    Thank you :D


  5. This is my first time visiting your blog ^^
    Love your hair color! <3
    Anw I don't like chocolate flavor xD
    Nice post! ^^
    Following you on GFC, my to followback? ^^
    Thank you :D


  6. Wow! I;ve not heard of this either, but it looks amazing. I certainly am curious to see whether it works or not!

  7. What a great experience! The Butterfly Project sounds like a wonderful organization. Congratulations on her involvement! <3 GIGLove

  8. You've got me at chocolate flavored!!! Haha I think anything that makes you look pretty to the tune of chocolate is magic!

  9. Never heard of this brand before, but with chocolate yumss!! =D

  10. Its indeed a great experience.. The drinks are lovely, love the peachy radianze drink..

  11. Chocolate and peach flavored drinks? Count me in! LOL
    I wonder if it really works, too bad it isn't sold here. XD

  12. wow visible results after 6 days? thats something they need to live up to!

  13. its sounds like a great event .... am curious to know if it worked or not

  14. lol at the science lecture part...keke great event recap !!but i dont reli like choc they r too sweet!

  15. Such a great event. Thank you for sharing this to us.

  16. never heard of thus brand before but it looks like you'd a great experience and fun . Love the drinks btw :-D

  17. I would like the peachy one, I think... did it taste nice?

  18. So many reviews on this, but I've yet to try it... Still stuck on my Kinohimitsu lol!

  19. I love evetns like this.. Too bad in my country we don't have any events :-/ GiG

  20. nice event ,and love the drinks idea, seems like a great brand

  21. I would really love to go to an event someday! So I would know the feeling! hehe! Looks like a great brand!

  22. Those drinks sound very interesting. I don't believe we have anything here like them. I would love to hear a review after taking them for a while.

  23. nice event that you attended.. seems that drink product is promising and delicious <3

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