Sharing is caring ♥

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

Booo peopless! ;)
24 Dec, its Christmas Eveeeee :D
and also another big day for all form 3 students ;x

I'd been insomnia for da whole night
4.30AM i'm still awake and keep rolling on da bed =/
so woke up late in da morning and went skul bout 11am
almost evryone got their results & chit-chatting arnd
well whn I got my results i really shocked and straight got into da car ;x
its not like what I expected
and what I can say is SUCKS! ;x
yeaah i don't knw what the hell am I doing
i thought i won't cry bt at last I did ==
nt bcz of my sucks results
but i made my family dissapointed
and also to those who put high expectation on me
i failed them =(

CONGRATS to those who got straight As :D
CHEEEEER to those who had da same fate with me ;x
PMR mean nth bt SPM is really important
work hard for it :)
*say is always easier than do.

after taking results,
heading to OU with mummyyyyy :D
she said she belanja me bt end up had our lunch @ Little Taiwan ;x
and and,
watched Avatar :DD
its really a superb nice movieeeee :)
but so sad that 3D wan is full grr!
while night,
DPC with my girls gang! ♥
spent most of da time at playground thr :D
had a super crazy & gossip dayyyy :P
and also a day without pichas WOOTS!

and now,
25 Dec 1.09 AM
see, MERRYY X'MASSSSS peopless! :D ♥
thanks guys for da wishes and making my day :)
i guess i'm insomnia again tonight.

cry isn't a bad thg
cause dad said,
he will buy me anythg I want :D
muacks! ♥


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