Sharing is caring ♥

Sunday, April 03, 2011



#I love it when five crazy girl lepak at mamak and watch football. HAHAHA & MU won!
#I love it when we do super crazy and sia sui stuff although there's a lot people watching.
#I love it when we're like getting heart attack while playing UNO :P
#I love it when we gossip like a 8 po!
#I love it when we laugh out loud and cry together. (:

Nothing much to say, but, I love you 'all. ♥


  1. 4 MINUTE- Heart to Heart? LOL so naisss HAHA

  2. Argh I don't get to do all the things listed above :P

  3. wahhhh! u girls so awesome got watch football! i hardly can find any girls that watch football!

  4. friendship forever!!:) we rocks ^^ i lurve my girlfriends too :)

  5. Rolling Fumbling Thug: do it with me then :p

    Henry: waaaa many friends of mine also watch football one eh XD

    domokun: yeah!! <3


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