didn't on9 for few days due to some reasons.
okayy, gonna blog smt bout last Mon, 1 June.
went One-U with buds for shopping & moviee! :D
be4 tht, went ZiXuan's hrs to wait for YeeKay.
ishh! her dogg arrr
darn small in size but its voice darn sharp!
we did nth thr just keep chatting & I'm playing piano thr! :)
I just knw the qing tian front part thr LOL
finally YeeKay came & we reach ou bout 11 plus.
met many friends thr & also my dearr! :)
after bought da movie ticket, went McD for lunch.
yeahhh, and thn start our shopping plan! ;DD
four of us bought a tee & thn went for movie.
we watched Terminator Salvation.
not bad lahh but da sound effect damnn geng! LOL
after movie I walk with my boy while MakZai them continue their shopping~
after tht can say just walking arnd until back home rawrr!
after tht can say just walking arnd until back home rawrr!
bout 6 plus we go back home by teksi.
lol & thn start taking pichaa again! xD
lol & thn start taking pichaa again! xD
wait at YeeKay’s hrs until 7pm only back home. :X
gaaahh, that day shopping can say not enuf for me lahh :Dbut I do enjoyed lots & super happyyy! :)
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