Sharing is caring ♥

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kaka Art Market is my new love!

Remember that I've posted a sneak peak about Kaka Art Market? Yeah, Imma blog about it now! Seems like a lot of people are so interested and curious about what is it. Basically Kaka Art Market is an event where people selling their handmade stuff over there. It's held at Jalan Pudu, Shaw Parade every first Sunday of the month. And the theme for December is Rhapsody in the Snow since Christmas is just around the corner!

Alright, let the pictures speak to you by now. Photo courtesy to Kaka Art Market and the pretty kind blogger, me :p

Hishiko and William were here for a tv show too :)

Gingerbread man :D

one of my favourite stall, clay arts :D

看图说故事. You choose a picture and they'll tell you a story, something like that I guess (:

key chains :)

little octopus :O

AWW I love the clock! It's so unique & cute :D

Hey peeps, remember this? ;)

handmade Christmas card :)

some of the accessories are so adorable and unique too :D

handmade soap!

It's soap too, woah :D

A superb fehmes and creative guy :D

Hi, my elder sister and her boyfriend :) ♥

OMGAWD, I spotted England! I shall ask for birthday present then :p

I want this, please D:

Top; coaster
Bottom; photo frame

Then, it's time for performances/show!

Harmonica performances brought to you by the international champion of our country. Honestly, they are so amazing! Ops, sorry I didn't record it down (:

& I bought this, my new toy!

No joke, it is a real harmonica which can play more than thousands songs! And too bad, yours truly only know how to play only one song BUT I discover it by myself without any references or surfing the net! *proud* :p

Seriously, I've no regret going there at all! I've bought myself two earrings and some decorations. They are really so adorable and all the items over here are limited edition!

Ops, pig for my boyf. We both have one! :)

I'm looking forward for the next month's Kaka Art Market and the theme is about Chinese New Year :D Go there & get some decorations for your house and prepare for Chinese New Year! Kaka Art Market definitely is your new love if you love art and homemade stuff, like me *doink*



  1. wah~ interesting! many of cute things over there~

  2. OMGG so cute one..aiks if i knew there's a place like this i sure go one>< i will be going next kaka art market!!!><

  3. nice market, so many cute and creative souvenirs

  4. Shuwen: exchange with forever 21 babe :p

    Cadlynn: yup! :D

    domokun: Yes, let's go the next time heh!

    andy: :)

  5. many nice photos. hahaha. love the clay arts

  6. omg so many nice stuff! buy buy buy :P

  7. omg, everything is so cuteeee over there. and who's the two guy in the first pic? they look cute too hehe

  8. Elvin: Heh, thanks! I love that alot too :D

    Chuen: But where's money money money :p

    HIlda: Yeahh. Er, that guy called William, cute hor? XD

  9. Wahh~~ I want it tooo~~~ Please bring me go yuhjiun~~ How's the badminton????

  10. So cute laaa. :O i want , TT.....
    BTW, you sis looks like you , ehehe :3

  11. wow! very creative leh! i wish i'm good at these crafting stuff =_="

  12. That spectacle guy looks like Vince.

  13. wow wow ! Interesting ! all the thing so cute and nice ! very artistic ! =D

  14. What is the one song you can play on the harmonica? Share la. Wanna see you play. XD

  15. Joel: Yeaah :D

    Joeann: High 5 babe! :)

    Nicole: Hahahha, yeah ah? somewhere near Time Square there larh :)

    Pris: I want too TT LOL, yeah? o.O

    theeggyolks: me too! esp clay arts :(

    Zazabong: HEH :D

    Lynnie: somemore got it smells so fragrant :D

    Tol: He's taller than Vince a lot :p

    Jayren: yup :D

    Kelvin: No wayyyy hahaha

  16. i love this place. aiyo, u didn't blog about that earlier. I want that market!

  17. Careen: yeah yeah! :D

    Joann: :D

    John: Then? LOL. every month also got larh dei.

  18. Yeah! i am one of them who is interested about this that day! hahahaa
    OMG that guy is malaysian artist loh HAHAHA

  19. wow.. wat a great event!!! hahahhaa....
    nice to meeet you.
    i thk i went in b4, right? hahahhaa...

  20. Sherry: Too bad :P

    Philip: Thanks :)

    Adrian: Hahahaha, yeah :p Yes, so handsome right? Yeah (:

  21. hello! Yea~~ Long time didn't see you either!\
    I think we should exchange links!

    Your new entry attracts me, I like it! Their art were unique!

  22. glad u still rmb.
    hehehhee.. i will come bck always lah...

  23. A lot of nice pictures make me feel like to go there! But, how come dun c the self portrait from u. Din make up dat day? Just kidding...

  24. Cool!!! I always wanna go, so a coincidence you asking me to go that day!! But I'm kinda busy that Sunday... T.T"

    Great day ya!! Love the ART!! *yay*

  25. the piggu clay art damn cute lor!!! Me want one toooo!!!!

  26. Meitzue: yeah, thanks! :D (:

    Elviz Low: hahaha, shy to camwhore larh :p

    bendan: Yeah larh! nvm, next month HEH :D

    Jessy: too bad, I think it's not available anymore hahaha

  27. Hey, really cute la. I want I want. Yuh Jiun ah, buy me one of these <3

  28. wow there are so many cute stuff!! love it!!

  29. the clay art is like students in lecture hall! XD nice!

  30. Katak: come with me larh :p

    tracey: Hahah yup!!

    Simonh: LOL!

  31. So artistic! :D Can't believe that I missed for the December ones! Umm you didn't mention the operation hour :D definitely will go for the January's.


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