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Monday, May 11, 2009

11 May

Geee! ;DD
these dayys got up darn latee.
bt luckily never LEWAT. :)
goshh. exam just arnd da corner & I still haven't start revision yet? ><
evrytime i just take out my book, read few pages then went 2 ly down on da bed alr :X
weeeee! our class was da kelas terbersih AGAIN! ;DD
i dhk our class get this 4 almost one month? ;P
tdy after assembly we straight go up 2 Bilik Seni.
LOLs! finally!~~ :X
evrytime we wait at outside thr bt thn teacher said go back class =/
omggg. starting 2 get crazeeeee alr!@
JinShen, JingWen & I were talking Yellow things thr LOL!
ishh! da same thing again @@
we sit at da same table & keep talking thr. plus JiaJia also.
bt thn at last get scolded by JingNee.
after back to class, WeiYan telling me his storyyy.
fuiyohhhh. mmg PRO! ;)
i really never see such girl like herr omggg.
hahaa. WeiYan, she YOURS one larrr. ;D
& ahkln said he really wanna open a shop selling underwear ishh :X
siami lahh. he & JingWen arrr superb ngam lahh. o.O
weeeeee!~ after recess, yeshhh, Pn Rahziah didn't come. :)
aiyaaa. & we sure start chatting again wan lar.
thn changee to family' topic alr.
Teehee! time passed darn fast.
4 more days to go. :X


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